Tithes & Offerings

The Agape House Church


Why is online giving a good idea?
Giving online turns your intentions into reality with ease.  After prayer, you decide whether your desire is to make a one-time donation or a recurring, regular donation to the operating budget (tithes & offerings) or to the building fund.  You don't have to remember to write out a check each Sunday or each month, or remember to mail it in or drop it by when you're gone for an extended period. It's all entirely confidential.

How does it work?
Aplos Donations via WePay is the provider of the new system that The Agape House Church has added. At the click of a button, contributors set up their personal giving profile, indicating whether this is a one-time gift or a recurring donation, and which church account should receive the funds.  Within 24-48 hours of a transaction, the funds are routed directly to the designated church account. 

Is it secure?
Aplos Donations via WePay  conforms to the highest set of security standards in the payment card industry. Your account managers, end users, and WePAY employees will never have access to the type of sensitive information that might lead to an unauthorized transaction.  In addition, email addresses are kept private. We PAY does not sell or distribute any information they receive. 

How do I get started?
To create a user profile, choose the Give Now button below.  You'll be take to a screen where you can fill out the information needed and then will be asked to create an account if you have not already.  You may also view our help page by
CLICKING HERE to walk you through how to set up your account on our free WePAY app.  Once you submit the information and your first contribution is made, you'll be able to view your contribution history or make changes, as easily as you would check your email account.

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